Our School Governors
Dear Parents, Friends and Staff I would like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of the Watermore Governing Body.
The governing body is made up of a group of motivated volunteers who have been elected to provide strategic direction in line with our vision and values, and to act as a guide to support the ‘Outstanding’ teaching and leadership we have through our Head teacher, Lisa Rawcliffe.
Our role is to ensure that we continue to provide our children with the opportunities to continue to be ‘exemplary’ in all that they do within a happy and secure environment. We ensure that local and national government legislation is met, that we oversee the spend on the school budget, and to challenge all that we do.
Governors take an active role in the school, not only attending meetings and training, but also school functions, and undertaking visits to classrooms.
Should you wish to contact me or are interested in being a Governor, please email clerk@watermoreprimary.org.uk
Lisa Rawcliffe Head Teacher
Lisa Rawcliffe Head Teacher
Nicholas Harris Co-opted GovernorVice Chair of Governing Body
Nicholas Harris Co-opted Governor
Sara Oughton - Staff Governor
Sara Oughton - Staff Governor
Paul Armitage - Co-Opted GovernorChair of Governing Body
Paul Armitage - Co-Opted Governor
I was appointed parent governor in November 2019 and I currently have two children at the school. I live in Frampton Cotterell and work in Bristol. You will often see me volunteering at school events and at pick up and drop off. Please come and say hello. I am always happy to talk to other parents and I am very much interested in hearing your views about being a parent of pupils at Watermore.
Ivan Gregory - Local Authority GovernorSafeguarding Governor
Ivan Gregory - Local Authority Governor
Sue Reynolds - Co-opted GovernorSEN Governor
Sue Reynolds - Co-opted Governor
I am Sue Reynolds . I have two grandchildren at Watermore Primary School and I have just moved from the North West to be near family.
I am an ex Special School Headteacher and have always enjoyed working with governing bodies. I am looking forward to being a Co-opted Governor at Watermore. I am sure that I will meet some of you at various school functions and activities.
Rachel Colman - Parent Governor
Rachel Colman - Parent Governor
Ruth Baker - Parent Governor
Ruth Baker - Parent Governor
I was appointed parent governor in September 2022 when my eldest son started at the school. Being a governor allows me to  make a positive difference and support maintaining the high standards Watermore Primary School has achieved. It also provides the opportunity to influence the education of my children, fellow pupils, and the school as a whole.  I am always happy to talk to other parents and I am very interested in hearing the views of parents and children, so please come and say hello at the school pick up and drop off, or at any of the school events.
Rev Sharon Lovelock - Co-Opted Governor
Rev Sharon Lovelock - Co-Opted Governor
Governor Meeting Attendance 2023/24
Governor Name/Committee |
11/10/23 |
16/11/23 |
7/02/24 |
24/04/24 |
10/07/24 |
Mr Nicholas Harris |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Mr Ivan Gregory |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
Mr Paul Armitage |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Miss Lisa Rawcliffe |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Mrs Sara Oughton |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Mrs Rachel Colman |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Mrs Sue Reynolds |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Mrs Ruth Baker |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Category |
Appointing body |
Term of office |
Additional Responsibilities |
Register of interests
Business & Pecuniary Interests |
Governor at another educational institution |
Relationships with staff/pupils/governors |
A N Other
Co-opted |
Governing Body |
01/04/2014 – 31/03/2018 |
Pupil Premium Governor |
Owner of local pre-school, Up the Road Pre School
Shareholder of Up the Road General Builders |
Down the Road Secondary |
Wife (teacher) Pupil (Year 4) |
Lisa Rawcliffe |
Headteacher |
No |
No |
Paul Armitage |
Co-Opted Governor |
04/11/2019-03/11/2023 |
No |
Pupil - Year 4 |
Nick Harris
Co-Opted Governor |
25/11/2020-24/11/2024 |
Finance |
Wife (TA) |
Sue Reynolds
Co-Opted Governor |
24/11/2021-23/11/2025 |
No |
Grandparent to child in school Year 4 |
Ivan Gregory
Co-Opted Governor |
05/07/2022-04/07/2026 |
Safeguarding |
Employee at a Welsh college
No |
Rachel Colman
Parent Governor |
12/11/2021-11/11/2025 |
Pupil - Year 6 Teacher at a South Glos school |
Ruth Baker
Parent Governor |
21/09/2022-20/09/2026 |
Pupil - Year 2 |
Sara Oughton
Staff Governor |
08/10/2018-07/10/2022 08/10/2022-07/10/2026 |