Watermore Primary School

Equalities at Watermore Primary

Equalities Statement

Here at Watermore Primary School we recognise difference and learn about this in a culture of respect. This is reflected in our values of caring, respect and friendship. We are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunities for all of our children and staff, parents and carers irrespective of gender, race, ethnic or national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief. Where diversity is present in our school it is celebrated, but alongside this we explicitly teach our community about diversity that exists on their door step, in the neighbouring city and the wider world.

Quality of Education

Watermore Primary is a diverse community in all areas accept ethnic origin. Our curriculum provides children the opportunity to learn about the main religions of the world from lessons and links with the community close to and beyond the village. We carefully choose images, resources and examples to share with children so our school community can embrace diversity beyond simply looking at festivals and celebrations. This is done through our wider curriculum and assemblies. We are a fully inclusive school that have pupils with a wide range of disabilities both visible and invisible. From the minute children enter reception they experience and open culture where disability is discussed and presented through a range of inclusive resources. In term 3 each year we have a series of school assemblies on protected characteristics. These are followed up with class discussions so children can have the chance to ask questions and explore their feelings.

School Development Plan

This year we are focusing on making our equalities work more visible and sharing these messages with parents / carers. As our curriculum is developing we are weaving through opportunities for equalities learning and discussion beyond the PSHE curriculum. By the end of this year this will be fully in place and show a coherent build from reception to year 6.

Equalities and Pupil Progress

Key groups of children are tracked across the school year and identified for additional opportunities swiftly if they are falling behind. We hold coffee mornings for key groups of our community to gain an insight into the challenges they are facing and look to support them further to ensure their children receive the best education possible.


Behaviour incidents are tracked by type and racist, homophobic, disabilities or gender/ sex based incidents are reported to the governing board outlining action we have taken to tackle this. This holds us to account and shapes further development.